
2012 August 29

Created by Lindsey GRANT 4 years ago

In August 2012 Don hit the big 50, this coincided with Chris Evans setting up Carfest.  Given that Don is a bit of a petrolhead it seemed a good opportunity for a get together with friends and family and for most of us our first ever festival!!

We continued going for a number of years and I think we all have some really wonderful memories of those times spent together in a field in Hampshire, I know I do.  I think Carols favourite part was the air displays, she loved them and took some fantastic photos, oh and of course the year Take That performed, they were phenomenal. 

The first year Mark appeared with a flying dragons so we could find our way back to our tents, each year their little family grew, many of the children pitched around where quite envious.

There were many memorable moments, such as Marks "toureretts" moment after taking a very cold shower at 6 in the morning, Mark Nicholls showering with toothpaste as he had forgotten the showergel, Carol and Don holding the gazebo down the first year when we were hit with torrential rain and wind, the boys helping a young couple who had a leaking air bed, their solution - use a beer bottle as a bung!, fantastic cooked breakfasts that got us lots of envious glances each year, breakfast cocktails (just has to be done) and which of us will ever forget "Heart Attack hill" as Carol named it:-)

In 2013, we had an impromptu hen bash for Carol, not sure she was that keen on the pink sashes but she threw herself into it in typical Carol style.

Some very moving moment too, the last flight of the Vulcan, the year the Battle of Britain memorial flight came over with two Lancaster bombers a Spitfire and a Hurricane and the memorial flight to honour pilot Kevin Whyman who died during a display at Carfest north in 2015, as his two comrades flew over the festival site, you could have heard a pin drop, it was so moving.

And of course the Red Arrows were always spectacular. 

Best of all was time together to chat, be silly and have fun.....

