Messing about on the water! - Our week on the narrowboat!

Created by Sarah 4 years ago
We picked the boat up (Marsh Owl) from Hilperton marina on the Saturday afternoon and sailed off into the distance heading for Bath with a large drink in hand.  Carol had bonded with Benji from the moment she stepped foot on the boat and the pair were best mates for the duration of the holiday! (picture of Carol and Benji). 
We had an amazing week with so many laughs its hard to choose which to retell, most involving a watering hole along the way as well as the fridge containing more alcohol than food. 
Most evenings (and lunchtimes) we stopped at a pub to partake in some fine fayre and a small amount of the local ale before headed back on board for some silly board games.  These always ended up in hysteria usually at Marks expense after he had consumed copious amounts of Vodka with a splash of coke! One we will never forget was Mark trying to make Carol guess James Bond by humming the theme tune and getting it completely wrong!
Possibly Carol’s finest moment involved an ice cream incident whilst we transversed a flight of locks from the Avon back onto the Kennet canal.  Mark spotted an ice cream kiosk by the side of the first lock and went to buy us all a cone.  He yelled to Carol who was on board and at the bottom of the lock as to her preference of flavour, she asked for strawberry. A few minutes later Mark shouted back informing us they did not have strawberry, so Carol asked for Chocolate.  Again Mark returned lock side and shouted down they had no chocolate, by this time Carol was stood on the front of the boat in a hallow lock and elegantly retorted ‘ no f**king Chocolate – what sort of ice cream parlour doesn’t have f**king chocolate! – Carol was unaware of the acoustics in the lock which then resounded this far and wide for all in the surrounding area to behold! – I was supposed to be at the helm and nearly fell in laughing!!! To cap the event off once we were through the locks Carol asked where her ice cream was, Mark had eaten it as well as his own! – in his defence it was melting!!
Carol and I spent some of the time at the front of the boat with our feet up relaxing and looking at the local wildlife or ogling the Bath university rowing club practicing along side us! (see photo), Carol decided to facetime Morgan so she could also wonder in the fine views!
We met many interesting folk along the way from Morris dancers to locals with fine tales to tell and had the most wonderful week which I know did both Carol and Mark the world of good – fab memories to always hold on to.
